About GoodDays Entertainment
Hello, I'm Jesse Conger and I'm the founder of GoodDays Entertainment.
I was inspired to make my first board game, Escape Deathrace 2182 from playing a mod of my favorite video game, Battlefield 1942. The Interstate 1982 mod of the game turned it into an exciting automobile-combat game.
I want to tell stories and create my own video games and apps that capture the dynamic excitement of first-person shooters and racing for your life
Escape Deathrace 2182 and the future
I designed the original Escape Deathrace 2182 to fit in a mint-sized box. I wanted maximum fun in the smallest package. I’m so excited to launch a new Kickstarter campaign for a Legendary Stratos bigger, cooler version of the game. There’s going to be pre-painted cars, character assigned dice, new event and power cards and even more.
I love the cyber-punk, futuristic setting with deadly racing and shootouts. Players are kidnapped to an alien landscape and are attempting to defeat the aliens and their friends to become the one that makes it home.
In the future, I hope to create a new genre of games, the RPRG: Role Playing Racing Games. After a hopefully successful crowdfunding campaign for the Legendary Stratos version of Escape Deathrace 2182, I’ll be turning my attention to expanding the world I’ve built into different kinds of media!