GoodDays Games

Escape Deathrace 2182 "Micro" Mint Tin Board Game

Welcome to 2182…

Your galaxy has been taken hostage by an evil alien race known as the ZILLIAN.

The ZILLIAN leader, TWISTED fo0k, has locked down several planets with his hordes of OMG-Zilla serpent creatures, and even reprogrammed your own automated robotic defenses into unhappy Death Turrets.

Today, there are six individuals ( & one robotic drone) that have what it takes to stop the threat of the ZILLIAN assault.

Unfortunately, these possible HEROES are not all friends. Some even enemies! Frenemies or not, there can only be one survivor. How can they work together against a common foe when only one can survive?

Let’s find out!

1-4 Players

Enjoy this game solo or bring 3 friends along with you to defeat the Twisted fo0k!

15-25 Minutes

At only 15 -25 minutes of play time, this is a great game for parties and dinners.

Ages 8 & Up

Enjoy this game with your little ones ages 8 and over - it's great for kids!

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Escape Deathrace 2182 Mint Tin Board Game GoodDays Games Board Games
More Information

More Information

Character Cards

Player Health Tracker Card Clips

Power Cards

Weapon Drop Reference Cards

Weapon Drop Tokens

Event Cards

Road Tiles

Player Cubes

Gray Boss Cubes

2-Sided Boss Health Tracker Cards

D4 Roll Deck (can substitute with an actual D4 die)

PLAYER that was most recently in a vechicle goes first.

Game play thereafter goes in counter clockwise rotation.

Randomly select a CHARACTER CARD & matching PLAYER CUBE.



Randomly deal one non - MAGIC MONKEY WRENCH POWER CARD to each PLAYER.

Shuffle all remaining POWER CARDS together & place nearby.

Hand each PLAYER 1 of each of the 4 WEAPON DROP tokens, and place the rest in a graveyard pile nearby.


Shuffle the EVENT CARD deck & place nearby.

Take out the START tile & place all active PLAYER CUBES on it.

Take out the END tile that has 3 "H"s on it and place nearby. This will be the last tile placed.

Shuffle the remaining 18 ROAD TILES into 1 pile face down nearby.

On the 2-SIDED BOSS HEALTH TRACKER CARD: Set the 3 GRAY BOSS CUBES on the highest number of the 1st 3 BOSSES. [7] [10] [10]

First PLAYER shuffles and draws a D4 Roll Card.

Place as many tiles down as the number drawn (1-4), one at a time. Then move your PLAYER CUBE that many tiles (if available) in any direction.

PLAYERS can move forward or backwards.

Play one WEAPON DROP. (optional)

Play one POWER CARD. (optional)

Trade in 1 POWER CARD for another if you don't use 1 this turn. Pull from the top of the deck & make a faceup discard pile. Shuffle discard pile & reuse when the main pile is exhausted.

Perform a DRIVE-BY if you move past another PLAYER. (See DRIVE-BY section)

Perform a BATTLE-IT-OUT if you share a tile with another PLAYER. (See BATTLE-IT-OUT section)

Land on a tile with an 82 icon, draw an EVENT CARD.

Land on a HAZARD tile, STOP. Shuffle and draw a D4 Roll Card for success rates. (See HAZARD TILES section)

Land on a NITRO-NOS tile (>>>), move up one tile in that direction.

FIRE TILES deal -2HP for driving through/on it. (FIRE WEAPON DROPS cannot be placed on FIRE TILES)

Land on an OMG-Zilla or DEATH TURRET tile & enter a BOSS BATTLE. (See BOSS BATTLE section)

Land on the "H" tile & enter the final BOSS BATTLE. (See BOSS BATTLE section)

Collect one of any used WEAPON DROP & draw a POWER CARD for defeating a BOSS BATTLE.

Collect one of any used WEAPON DROP for being on the space while a BOSS was defeated.



Previews & Play-Throughs:

Previews & Play-Throughs:

Deluxe Edition

Deluxe Edition

Escape Deathrace 2182 Micro – DELUXE…

For the hardcore players who seek to not only survive but dominate the DEATHRACE, the DELUXE Edition is for you!

Experience the deluxe version of the game, complete with larger packaging, custom D4 dice, and 3D printed paintable figurines.

Unlock +2 additional Magic Monkey Wrench Cards and +20 additional place-able Road Tiles, as well as new and exciting Event Cards, Power Cards, and Player Aid Cards

Special Thanks To

Special Thanks...

We’d like to acknowledge and give a special thanks to all of the reviewers, play-testers, designers, developers, story-writers, Kickstarter pledgers, and game masters who came together to make Escape Deathrace 2182 Micro a possibility.

This would have been possible without your input, feedback, and support.